On the quest to finding the look I strive for in the images, I find myself going in two opposite directions. Either really expensive vintage lens recreated for modern cameras (waiting for one ...), or the simplest possible lens. The plastic one. No autofocus, can't handle low light, the simplest of the simple. A Holga lens.
And funny enough, this a tremendous fun. Liberated from the need to hit the exact focus, with a built in vignette ( did I mention old, crappy lens??) ....and a softness to die for.
Armed with my camera, I go out late afternoon to test run the lens. Its chilly, the wind blows my hair, and I keep shooting the lights and the shadow. And a gorgeous Pudel who happened to be with his owner at Starbucks.
"When people ask me what equipment I use - I tell them my eyes." So true.
Selfie. The wind and me (or a really bad hair day:)
At Starbucks
The holidays. Santa Monica, December 2015