One of the things I like most about photography is that it sits right at the junction between science and art. A bridge between logic and emotion.
The image above is not a result of Photoshop. This is pure in-camera photography. Proof that the camera doesn't 'know' what it records, it just records light. It is up to us to control what is lighted and capture it in the frame. Nothing new here, right?
This week I started to experiment with controlled light (using the most basic flashlight, the 3$ type...) and long exposure. The results, can probably be much improved, but the potential is amazing. To literally show the invisible. Explore realms our eye can not see, but the lens can help us create.
And the best of all - a way to really have fun.
since leaving the hi-tech world, I am struggling to redefine the notion of success. I think the answer starts emerging. In flashes of light :)
If I had a sister - photography by Amy Kanka Valadarsky
Just you and me