I noticed the tree reflections in the puddles along the road months ago, after the 1st rains. But I always noticed them while driving, and there was no place to park the car.
Since this is where I walk my dog every morning, I noticed them again - this time I had no camera ...
Last night it rained again. Maybe for the last rain this winter. Armed with and umbrella (it was still drizzling) AND my cell phone, my dog and I went for a 'walk in the rain'.
The unexpected surprise, was to realize you can not see the reflections from the sidewalk. Only from the middle of the road...figures, this is why I noticed them while driving ...
With the wet dog sitting on the sidewalk, looking at me with questioning eyes, I waited for a few seconds pause in traffic, quickly moved to the middle of the road, and photographed.
I guess drivers and dog did not think very highly of me today :)
Rain puddles, Even Yehuda, Israel, March 2015
Street lamps on a rainy day, Even Yehuda, Israel March 2015