I try visiting a few art exhibits every month, usually I have a nice time and learn new things. Sometimes I am inspired. It is very seldom that art leaves me breathless. Last week was one of these times.
I heard about Frida Kahlo exhibition in Budapest from a friend 10 days before its closing. In an unusual spontaneous act, bought plane tickets, found a reasonable price hotel and five days later here I am, entering the exhibit in the National Gallery, Budapest. At the entrance, a larger than life photograph of Frida greets the visitors. Next to it a wall filled with historical photographs outlining her biographical timeline. I read the texts, moving along with the crowd who starts filling the room until I get to the end of the first room and literally stop breathing. On a narrow green wall, a single small-medium size painting. The broken column. I must have spent minutes in front of it, people went around me, moving on. I could not take my eyes of it. No photo will make it justice, but here is an iPhone image of the painting and the accompanying text.
I recently read about a Chinese teacher telling his student that “art does not have to be beautiful, it has to be honest”. I have never seen more honest art, raw pain painted on canvas in such an imaginative way. I came out of this exhibit changed. Something happened there, a surprising connection between Frida and me. To be continued….
Last words & video in the exhibit