Nnam Yllas #1
“For more than a year, I have been waiting to see this exhibition, and here I am. So close to the art, I can almost touch it. Instead, I raise the camera and allow the artwork to touch me. The unimportant details take center stage while the actual art pieces recede into the background. After a while, the absurdity of the situation hits me. Why do I tune out the real objects in front of me actively searching for what I want to see?”
Nnam Yllas, a new body of work, born in Paris. A good place to be born in. At a fantastic exhibition at Jeux de Paume. Moments of wonder, awe and I confess, a few tears as well - I expected the experience to be overwhelming. What I did not expect was the urge to photograph. The instinct saying this is important even if I do not understand why. I wonder what the people around me thought of the crying woman with the camera who seemed to photograph the images in the worst possible way: too close, at a weird angle, without enough light, moving around the image with the camera glued to her face. If they only knew ….
To see the resulting body of work, go here.