After a few months of moving between the darkroom and the ‘wet studio’ - “Meeting Frida”, a new body of work is ready!
I wrote about the beginning of this work in a previous blog post
And here is a peek at the process of creating the images in this series. After the initial exposure and developer step in the darkroom, the wet image moves to a light filled studio where I paint chemicals on the light sensitive black and white paper, watching colors emerge. Despite the fact that I know the science behind it, still feeling I am witnessing magic. Painting with light …. there is nothing like it!!
You can see the full portfolio here:
Painting on Silver Gelatin paper - shades of gold, pink, amber and red slowly emerging
Is it done, shall I leave it longer? ….many prints are messed up before a good one emerges …
Looking great when wet, this one did not make it to the final images when dry :(
End of a working day, many failures, one success!!