At the Seder table
There is nothing like a breath of fresh art on a boiling hot summer day. I heard the local gallery, the 'Gallery on the Cliff" has a great exhibit, and on Saturday morning, picked up my mom and went to explore. It's title, "Big eyes" does not translate well into English, it's an idiom that means "you want everything your eyes see". A contemporary art exhibition about food. Brilliantly curated by Dr. Guy Morag, a fun, thought provoking exhibition, the best combination there is.
From the floating "Gefilte fish" - a traditional Jewish food from eastern Europe to a critical view at the Seder dinner - the dinner on the first Passover night, from classic portraits to sculptures made out of sponge, video art of cooking Sabih ( a traditional Jeweish sandwitch) which references Pollack and poking a bit of fun at Leonardo, yes, Da Vinci with the Watermelon eaters. Every piece by itself and the exhibit as a whole is sharp, fun, refreshing. Even my mom enjoyed :)
The grandmother brings soup to the Seder table.
Gefilte fish :)
Made of sponge!
"My dream is to be thin and blonde. Yeah!" drawing on a flour bag!!! Loved this piece :)
"The Watermelon eaters"