Image by Joseph Heidecker
After enjoying a fun opening at bG gallery, where I have three of my images in the latest Monster exhibit, we decided to peek at the other openings at Bergamot station. After looking at two new exhibits that left me pretty unexcited (hmm...trying to be politically correct here), we entered Craig Krull Gallery. And, boy, was I blown away.
The first artist I couldn't stop staring at was Lou Beach, who creates these amazingly fun collage. I have never seen anything as beautiful and fun. Truly inspiring, and yes, the day will come when I will move from photo collage to mixed media collage. And Lou's work is a breathtaking inspiration. (Got home and ordered his book, so I can start studying his work at my leisure.)
And as I was thinking nothing can top this, I entered the second room of the gallery and saw Joseph Heidecker embroided photos. WOW. So simple and so effective. Stunning black and white photos, embroided in silver, gold, pinks and beige. Stunningly beautiful. I left the gallery walking on air.
Lou Beach collage
Another one of Joseph Heidecker's amazing embroided photos