Art inspired by a song. Another first - Archival pigment print with beads embroidery. This piece will be part of a coming exhibit at Universal Art gallery in Tel Aviv next month together with other art pieces inspired by Noam's beautiful songs.
The song that inspired it (my translation from Hebrew)
Dancing all by myself, lyrics by Noam Horev
I’ll be back soon, just passing through all the continents
Gathering feelings, sensations, blurred images
Far away, beyond the sea, places I’ve never been to
I see the world in new ways, ways I do not understand yet
Gathering pieces of the sky just because
The world rests in my hands
Learning how to caress the wounds
I suddenly remember, how to dance all by myself
In the empty spaces of the heart
Drawn to the fire, to the whispers within
Getting out, burning bright again
Taking the time to get ready, to connect, to grow up
To travel and never come back
Walking the newly discovered paths of the soul
Where I never dared to venture
How can I suddenly be so complete
So breathtaking
Food for thought while listening to Miri Mesika singing this beautiful song.